Sadaye dil by Zonia Saleh Sadaye dil by Zonia Saleh complete novel. The novel is based on romantic Urdu novels in which She pointed out our social and family issues.…
Category: Zonia Saleh
Devil and angel by Zonia Saleh Complete novel download pdf
Devil and angel by Zonia Saleh After marriage based Novels, Gangster Hero Based Novels, Innocent heroin based novels, Rude Hero Based Novels. Devil and angel by Zonia Saleh complete novel.…
Siyah Pankh by Zonia Saleh Novels Complete novel download pdf
Siyah Pankh by Zonia Saleh Novels Fantasy Based Novels. Siyah Pankh by Zonia Saleh Novels complete novel. The novel is based on romantic Urdu novels in which She pointed out our social…
Mahjabeen short novel by Zonia Saleh Novels Complete
Mahjabeen short novel by Zonia Saleh Novels Mahjabeen short novel by Zonia Saleh Novels Short complete novels. The novel is based on romantic Urdu novels in which She pointed out…
Tu mera ishq by Zonia Saleh Complete
Tu mera ishq by Zonia Saleh Teacher student Based Novels. Tu mera ishq by Zonia Saleh complete novel. The novel is based on romantic Urdu novels in which She pointed…