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Search and request for Novels

asslam o alekum, welcome to search and request your favorite novels that you have read in a past and want to read it again or you have read some parts of the story but could not complete it for any reason but unfortuinatly now you have forgotten the name of the story. We can help you to find your desired story or novel.

If you want to read any novel and you didn’t get it online, you cans ask us to give you your desired novel. We will try our best to provide you your requested novel as soon as possible. Please read the following instructions carefully to send us your request which will help us to serve you better.

You can ask all kind of Urdu novels that or available on the internet or published in Pakistani monthly digest.

Provide as much details as you know about the story. Like story name, writer name, type of the story, main characters name of the story, topic of the story. It will help us to find it easly.

If you know about the story publishing medium like digest name, month and year mention it in your request.

provide the information if the story is from online publishing website. Clearly mention it in ur request that from where you read this story.

You remember the start of the story and story ending it will be more easy to find it so provide us details about starting and ending of the story.

Some of the old novels are not available on internet. So keep it in mind that we can’t provide that novels.

We will try our best to give you your favorite story as soon as possible but some time it takes time to search it, so be patient and wait for our response.

If you have any question in your mind pleas ask in a comments on our search and request for novels page here. You can also contact us on email, facebook and whatsapp.

Email :

Whatsapp: 03335586927

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